A Passion for Sound

The Story of Ruark Audio

Based on the south east coast of England, we are a family-owned company with an amazing, passionate team. Our inspiration is varied and comes from our experiences, things we admire, our love of music, and walks along the beach in Southend. This is the story of Ruark Audio.

Our origins go back to the early days of hi-fi. A lot has changed since then, but the principles of what makes a great music system are the same as they ever were, which is why we’re sticking to them.

Our founder, Alan O’Rourke, grew up playing guitar and surrounded by hi-fi equipment through his dad’s work in the industry. So it’s not entirely surprising that he went on to found his own audio company.

Our first product, back in the early 1980s was the Sabre - a lovely little bookshelf-type, two-way speaker that won awards and put us on the map.

In those days, all speaker cabinets were made of wood, many still are. Alan's dad, Brian, was a trained cabinet-maker and worked with some of the pioneering greats of British hi-fi. He understood just how important materials and construction are to how a music system sounds. Like father, like son. And, it is these principles that we still apply today when we are updating or designing our products.

I’ve loved music all my life, I grew up surrounded by it and it has always been a passion of mine. My dad got me into playing the guitar when I was a kid, as he worked for a company who imported them. So, growing up, I was surrounded by lots of wonderful equipment.

Music has always been at the heart of Ruark Audio and we strive to make our favourite songs and albums sound as good as they can. We hope you get as much from our products, and the music, as we do.

Alan O’Rourke, Founder

We have always loved design. Our ultimate mission is to make beautiful products that blend in with your environment, and are easy to live with as they are enjoyable to listen to.

Much of our inspiration comes from our surroundings and the things we love most. The curves of our favourite car, the functionality of a piece of classic furniture, the texture of a knitted sweater or the technology of the latest gadget in our office. We are constantly inspired and looking for new ways to shape and develop our products. We never stop.

We have always loved design. Our ultimate mission is to make beautiful products that blend in with your environment, and are easy to live with as they are enjoyable to listen to.

Much of our inspiration comes from our surroundings and the things we love most. The curves of our favourite car, the functionality of a piece of classic furniture, the texture of a knitted sweater or the technology of the latest gadget in our office. We are constantly inspired and looking for new ways to shape and develop our products. We never stop.

We understand that for many of our customers, great sound isn’t always their biggest priority. In an era where we are wanting our homes to be stylish, every item has to earn its place and look beautiful in its position.

So we design products that are as pleasing to the eye as they are to the ear. In fact, people tell us they are including our music systems in their overall interior design.

Our goal has always been to create products with a design style that is timeless. An aesthetic which looks good in contemporary homes but also more classic decor, too. It's a fine balance to achieve this, and we take our time; some of our products can take up to two years to develop, from concept to launch. And, we are continually looking to improve our existing products so although the design may not change much, the way it functions will gradually evolve and update. We never stand still.

Since our earliest days, we’ve understood and defined how materials affect the sound of a system, so we select each one for its unique properties. When combined, they create our unique sound.

Long before making audio products became our business, it was a shared hobby for our founder Alan and his dad. Together, they experimented with components and cabinets to create their own prototype systems. They quickly discovered that changing the materials and construction methods they used in the cabinets could make subtle or significant differences to the sound.

Today, you’ll still find the same knowledge and enthusiasm in the company they founded. We choose our real wood veneers, polymers, high-grade alloys and beautiful fabrics for their specific acoustic and aesthetic properties. You’ll notice the details, and hear the difference.

Since our earliest days, we've understood and defined how materials affect the sound of a system, so we select each one for its unique properties. When combined, they create our unique sound.

Long before making audio products became our business, it was a shared hobby for our founder Alan and his dad. Together, they experimented with components and cabinets to create their own prototype systems. They quickly discovered that changing the materials and construction methods they used in the cabinets could make subtle or significant differences to the sound.
Today, you’ll still find the same knowledge and enthusiasm in the company they founded. We choose our real wood veneers, polymers, high-grade alloys and beautiful fabrics for their specific acoustic and aesthetic properties. You’ll notice the details, and hear the difference.

As technology evolves, so do our products. You can enjoy the benefits of the latest developments, with the assurance of knowing your music system will stand the test of time.

As enthusiasts, not just manufacturers, we’re on top of all the new audio technology developments. But we’re not driven by them. It takes time to design and produce a new music system, so we need to be certain an innovation is right for us and, most importantly, will be relevant and useful to our customers.

Across our range, we use the finest components and technologies that will give you wonderful, trouble-free sound for years to come. And as a responsible company we take green issues seriously, so our materials are ethically sourced and hazardous materials avoided.

As technology evolves, so do our products. You can enjoy the benefits of the latest developments, with the assurance of knowing your music system will stand the test of time.

As enthusiasts, not just manufacturers, we’re on top of all the new audio technology developments. But we’re not driven by them. It takes time to design and produce a new music system, so we need to be certain an innovation is right for us and, most importantly, will be relevant and useful to our customers. Across our range, we use the finest components and technologies that will give you wonderful, trouble-free sound for years to come. And as a responsible company we take green issues seriously, so our materials are ethically sourced and hazardous materials avoided.

The classic look of our music systems disguise their up-to-the-minute capabilities. Digital, optical and analogue inputs make it easy to plug in auxiliary devices and create fantastic sound throughout your entire home. It also allows you to upgrade or add an element to your system without having to change everything else. The simple, elegant way to keep you and your music fully connected.

When we say we are a family business, we really mean it.

Not simply because some of us are related to one another, either. When we get together, there’s no hierarchy. We listen to what everyone has to say - it’s not really like going to work. Most importantly, we all care passionately about Ruark, the products we make, and our customers. We’re always looking at what we can do and where can we go next – together.

Brian O’Rourke, Ruark Acoustics co-founder, 1985.

Industry awards are great and we’re proud of them, but our best critics are, and always will be, our customers.

When the Daily Telegraph referred to one of our products as ‘the Aston Martin of DAB radios’, that was just perfect. It really hit the mark of what we were trying to achieve with our products.

We’ve always built the best products we possibly can. We would never compromise to achieve a price point, and we’re definitely not run by investors. Whether you’re looking at one of our smaller products like the R1, or our flagship R7, you can be sure the same love and dedication went into creating it.

And the accolade we value most is a customer telling us how much they enjoy listening to music thanks to their Ruark system. Because in the end, it’s your listening pleasure that really matters

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